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6 replies »

  1. That is a dummy for sure. The shape was called a ‘C’ type. The dummy covers had no back plates, but lugs at the top ack to hand over two screws with two screw tags at te bottom, although in te picture only oe is shown. To substantiate ths, note that no cover screw/bot exists.

  2. Is that the black wall I can see through the vents, so it’s only a dummy. QS could not stand for Quality Systems, look at the fixing screw at the bottom not srewed fully in.

      • From what I’ve seen some companies back in 85 like vigilante intruder alarms used a vented dummy type c but actually had a bell ether on the wall or on a wooden plate. And sometimes people would drill to holes on ether the left or right hand side of the box and have a tamper screwed in not only that but if the tamper didn’t fit perfectly thay would put a spoon to extend the reach of the tamper switch so it would work how mad is that!

      • From what I’ve seen some companies back in 85 like vigilante intruder alarms used a vented dummy type c but actually had a bell ether on the wall or on a wooden plate. And sometimes people would drill to holes on ether the left or right hand side of the box and have a tamper screwed in not only that but if the tamper didn’t fit perfectly thay would put a spoon to extend the reach of the tamper switch so it would work how mad is that!

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